Other microphone repair shops

Xaudia is a tiny business in the North of England, and, with the best of will, I do not have the capacity to repair all the microphones in the world. Consequently I am compiling a list of other repair shops who may be able to help. You can of course send modern microphones back to the manufacturers who made them.

Please note that these links are for information only and are not endorsements or personal recommendations. Some have been suggested by our customers and others have suggested themselves. Proceed at your own risk.

Keep in mind that any good repair shop is likely to be busy and slow. There are only a small number of people in the world who do this kind of work and there are a lot of faulty microphones out there!

If you are a professional repair shop and wish to be added to this list please get in touch through the contact form. Or if you are here and wish to be removed then let me know!


Funky Junk – Audio repairs in London

Make Noise Pro Audio – general audio repairs

Soundlock Engineering – General Audio repairs

Xaudia. That’s me! All types of Ribbon Microphone Repairs, sales and parts.

Studiocare, condenser mics and others

Glasgow Studio Electronics – General audio repairs

Electronic Music Services, Southend – General Audio repairs.

Coles Electroacoustics


Olaf Prinz, Berlin, Germany – ribbons and other microphones

DS Audioservice – ribbons and condenser mics

Drefahl Audio, Germany – Condenser microphones

Thiersch Elektroakustik – Condenser microphones, especially Neumann

Infernale Machine – Condenser mic repairs in France (Instagram link)

L’ATELIER DU MICROPHONE – General microphone repairs in France

Jérôme Cousin, Studio Vetter – Microphone repairs and audio services, France

Joystick Audio, Belgium

Braingasm Lab, Italy – Condenser, tube mic services

ET Panworks, Switzerland. AKG dynamics

Tim Campbell – AKG C12 repairs etc.


AEA ribbon microphones – All things ribbon, especially RCA microphones

Cole Picks Vintage – all types of microphones

Jon Ulrigg – Ribbon microphones

Cesar Portela, Nashville, Condenser mic repairs. (Instagram link)


Open Plan Recording – All types of microphone repairs.